Chapter IX
Payment of Tax
86. Electronic Credit Ledger.-
(1) The electronic credit ledger shall be maintained in FORM GST PMT-02 for each registered person eligible for input tax credit under the Act on the common portal and every claim of input tax credit under the Act shall be credited to the said ledger.
(2) The electronic credit ledger shall be debited to the extent of discharge of any liability in accordance with the provisions of section 49.
(3) Where a registered person has claimed refund of any unutilized amount from the electronic credit ledger in accordance with the provisions of section 54, the amount to the extent of the claim shall be debited in the said ledger.
(4) If the refund so filed is rejected, either fully or partly, the amount debited under subrule (3), to the extent of rejection, shall be re-credited to the electronic credit ledger by the proper officer by an order made in FORM GST PMT-03.
(5) Save as provided in the provisions of this Chapter, no entry shall be made directly in the electronic credit ledger under any circumstance.
(6) A registered person shall, upon noticing any discrepancy in his electronic credit ledger, communicate the same to the officer exercising jurisdiction in the matter, through the common portal in FORM GST PMT-04.
Explanation.– For the purposes of this rule, it is hereby clarified that a refund shall be deemed to be rejected, if the appeal is finally rejected or if the claimant gives an undertaking to the proper officer that he shall not file an appeal.